
Water wise, Exotic Bromeliads.

Now available *Easy cart Online shopping *Click here-opens in a new window.


Bromeliad-Exotics Specializes in Quality Well Grown Neoregelia and other Select varieties of Bromeliads.
The Specialist Bromeliad Nursery has a collection of over 1500 different Neoregelia Varieties including over 500 *New Releases that have not yet been listed for Sale. As well as lots of popular favorites, in the collection are Select forms of Aechmea, Billbergia,Vriesea and other more unusual, Exotic and sometimes rare types of Bromeliads from all parts of the world. 
*More *New Releases are expected to become available gradually thought the year and the years to follow. 
I hope you enjoy the following photo pages and find the rewarding pleasure from these wonderful exotic plants as I do.
Happy Planting.

THE ENTRANCE at the Nursery

Aechmea Blue tango *New Large imported form.
 Simply Irresistible, iridescent Crystal-clear Blue. 
 Having only Recently just become available for sale- this plant will initially be a bit in short supply. 
Stock is however expected to increase quite quickly, once the warmer weather returns towards the end of 2012.
A certain "Must- have" for any type of collection.

 Aechmea "Blue Tango" is quite an ideal, 'easy-care' plant given their very basic needs are met.
Please don't hesitate to be in touch if you require 
Bromeliad Growing + here
Please don't hesitate to be in touch if you require further info. or have a question. Contact Nursery for more info.*Deb* Thanks

Neoregelia Grande X Narelle 1 Darkform New

Neoregelia New release  [ 32GeisConc2

Neoregelia Narelle Hyb New




 Above - are just some of the Newer plants recently added expected to be gradually become more available throughout 2012. 
Below- popular Favorites.

Neoregelia Exon tigra young plants New release more later this year.

                    Aechmea Blue Tango. New flower starting - is a totally Brilliant Blue that seems to glow. Available very soon.

BELOW Neoregelia New Releases. 
Huge Growing .
Neoregelia Purple Mystical + Below; New Narelle Hyb
N.Summer Storm

Neoregelia Heartmusic - Right [banded form]There are several forms.
Keep scrolling down for lots more photos on this page.
N.Africa No6
Billbergia Pyramidalis 'Kyoto'
Aechmea Rubins
Aechmea Purple gem [select form]
N.Enchantment Variegata [very large grower]
N.Johannis de rolf [huge plant to 1m]
B.Pyramidalis 'Kyoto'  60-65cm
N.Mini Hybrid - Turmoil [young plants]
N.Nelson [select form]
A.Gamesepala Matchsticks [blue]
N.Happy thoughts hyb 1

There is a beautiful Bromeliad for every situation. Many are very easy care providing their minimal needs are met. Ideal for those who have minimal access to water who wish to bring joy & color to their garden. ***Sales information -Please  see notes below***
Neoregelia Hybrids

Alcantera Extensor 1
Neoregelia Princess grace X grace darling No1 [several forms]
Vriesea Hybrid 01
A.Fendleri [select pink foliage form]
N.Chirripo 1
N. Hotmetal
Neoregelia Frankie  albomarginata
Aechmea Fasciata Albomarginata
Center- N. Twotone No 1 [ 4 types]
N.Gee whiz [light form]
N. Mini hybrid Coral fire 15 to 25cm
N.Two tone A [select form]
A. Purple gem select form
N.Hula girl
A.Fendleri pink foliage form
N.Gold fantasy
N.Concentrica Hybrid [05]
A.Black opal
N.Concentrica select red form [06]
Billbergia red emporess
A.Recurvata 'benrathii'
A.Caudata Variegata 'sunset'
N.Chirripo 1
N.Princess Grace No1select large form
N.Heartmusic 1 banded form [HM1]
A.Fasciata [spineless form]
Neoregelia Hybrids- make a great display when colors are matched in harmony.
N.Concentrica select form [NC 07]
N.Concentrica X goodshow Hybrid
Aechmea Rajah hyb 'fireball'
N.Royal cordovon
N.Orange glow [sk form]
N. Molten edge [immature plant- colors further]
N.Hannibal lector
N.Manoa beauty [select form]
Click here for Plant List and current Specials
N.Red Tips
N.Purple glaze - immature plant colors further.
Neoregelia - black plants have special interest- highly collectible. [Nblk]
N.Wee willy [Mini hybrids
N.Orange glow
N.Manderine miss
N.Odean head [OD1]
N.Tangeine No1 [ striped select form]
A.Triangularis- a fascinating plant
A.Gracilis - great in a hanging basket where plants can protrude from the sides + even bottom of the pot- eventually forming a 'ball effect' Grows 15-30cm
Aechmea Recurvata Hyb A
N.Tricolor perfecta select form [several forms]
N.Princess grace [select large form]
N.Bird rock
N.Black out select form
A.Tessmani X chantinii
N.Jewelery shop
N.Cliff sivvid X Takamura princeps [2 forms]

A.Recurvata Sharp                            
N.Rise & shine - mini hybrid to 25cm

Neoregelia Bucanner Mini Hybrid [left]
B.Nutans "Queens tears"
Aechmea Fireball Hyb

N.Rainbow [several new hybrids of this plant coming soon.]
N.Redgold- very large grower
N.Tossed salad
N.Hula girl
Vriesea Belgium Hyb
N.Bucaneer [Mini Hybrid]
N.Concentrica Hyb

Aechmea Shining Light + A.Delmar Blue
N.Patchwork Hyb
N.Spot on hybrid- LargeDark form
N.Picasso Blue Nude Select Form

A.Shining Light

A.Humginals Hybrid

N.Stormy Desert
Neoregelia Brilliant Guy

Neoregelia Mawcaw 'Red Bands'  Huge Growing Plant

Neoregelia Mawcaw Red Bands - Huge Neoregelia to 1m shown here among other large & medium plants.

Neoregelia Grace X Break of day No 1 - Gold form

Neoregelia Grace X Break of Day - Gold. There are several forms of this cross many which host great color ranging from Gold-Orange to deep red.

**Plants are available as single plants individually priced  &/or in "Special packs" of mixed selected varieties -from various different genera.
**SPECIAL**Variety Packs start from $15- ideal for starting your Exotic Bromeliad collection.

****SPECIAL**Neoregelia Select Packs - 4 plants -
*Select named Popular colorful Hybrids, similar sizes to those shown in photo. **SEE PHOTO below from $50 a pack + Postage.

***Individual Plants- Neoregelia from $10 to $17.50 and $20 for new release, select special types or larger mature plants.
***Pups when available- from $10.

 **Growing information included in the parcel.

**Postage in Australia *Large Packs $14.50-Express**Covers up to 10 plants.
 EG the 10 mixed variety plant packs -as above. 
**Neoregelia Packs *Postage costs Express- $14.50 cover up to 10-12 plants to most areas in Australia.
***Sorry No WA Or Tasmania***
        ***Further details on postage on order form or please contact for more details***

**International inquiries welcome. Plants sent overseas are generally smaller plant offsets [pups] due to shipping costs- smaller size collector packs can be arranged to fit in with these shipping costs.All plants are mailed bare rooted and carefully wrapped and packed with soil free moisture retaining material around root zone. Export certificates can be arranged if required.

For your *Variety Pack today. 
Happy Growing
 Neoregelia order awaiting packaging. Plants are mailed with roots carefully packed with moisture retaining material .

***Neoregelia select packs include - 
***Strong young plants ranging from 8 to 18 months old from initial pup size- See Photos below.

**NB. The availability of plants changes almost on a daily basis. So please consider 2nd choices or alternately a refund can be sent for any plants that are unavailable.

Neoregelia 4-10 months old, ready for sale.

Neoregelia plants 4-12 month old

Neoregelia Ready for Sale
Neoregelia 6-12 months old

Neoregelia Large variety lots of color.

See also list 1 for other Bromeliads - Neoregelia + Specials

Vrisea Belgium Hybrid

Vriesea Belgium Hybrid

Neoregelia Brilliant Guy

Thank you. **************************************************************************

Specialty Plants
New Releases, Slower growing plants and Special rarer collector plants.
Many of these are presently still in very short supply and only available on a 'one-off' basis
These will be added to this list in due time when stocks increase.

Neoregelia Perfect Red
Neoregelia Concentrica Red Form [plant grown in higher light colors allover]
the beautiful sunny face of N.Lamberts Pride from Hawaii - adds a bright lift in any collection.
N.Copper Penny

N.Carolinae Apricot Select Form - 30 to 35cm

A.Fosters Favorite
A.Shining Light and A.Delmar- Blue

N.Mehendorfii Orange Form

N.Nelson F1 hybrid
N.Cliff Sivvid Hybrid

N. Cliff Sivvid Hybrids

N.Stars and Bars USA - plant turns an intense purple in center when mature.
V.Splendid [Large Collector Plant]
Neoregelia Painted Lady X Magnifica
Neoregelia Lollipop Select Form
Neoregelia Camorimiana [Climber]
Neoregelia Lollipop Hybrids in Flower                                                 
Aechmea Naudicaulis Hybrid. [Several New forms coming soon]
A.Naudicaulis Hybrid- coming soon + More
Billbergia Hybrid [Long stolon-will climb]

Neoregelia Medusa spiral select

Neoregelia Pups potted up for growing on.

Neoregelia Fairy Paint - versatile.


Please Also Visit *LINKS to other Blogs from this Nursery below.

*Propagation and Growing Bromeliads -

*More Photos -

*More Growing Tips and Seed raising -

*Friendly Creatures In The Garden -

Bromeliads A Growing Obsession.
Photos Page 2 this blog

Cant decide? Why not try a Special select Mixed Packs? 
Sized to suit all Budgets. *Click here for *Plant List 1 The Variable Menu for more details.

Why not send your 'Wish List' - but please do add some 2nd choices. I will then check availability & return your list. 
Great discounts for 10+ plants.
Cheap express postage.
Contact Deb @ Bromeliad Plant Sales* My wish list
Thank you Happy Planting. 
PHOTOS Continued **Popular Favorites**

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