
Mini Hybrids

Growing to 25cm [official size] many varieties, some Mini hybrids outstretch their legal limit & may reach 30cm or more by nature, in reality.  Growing conditions, light & nutrient also affect both size & color of these delightful very small plants.  However they are all indeed very small plants & are well suited to smaller areas in hanging pots & balcony growing providing there is adequate light.  Bright filtered light to 50% being ideal.Plants here are just a few of the many Neoregelia Mini hybrids grown here- availability is limited of many with an ever- changing menu. They are listed from time to time when available. ***************************************************** 

Neoregelia Alley cat select form

Neoregelia Alley cat

Neoregelia Black bands

Neoregelia Mini Hybrid Black bands

Neoregelia blushing tiger
Neoregelia Chilli verdi 2

Chilli verdi2

Neoregelia Bucaneer Mini hybrid

Neoregelia cougar

Neoregelia cougar

Neoregelia Dominos

Neoregelia Fanfare

Neoregelia Fairy paint x fireball

Neoregelia marble x olens hyb

Neoregelia Mini skirt
Neoregelia Nonis

Neoregelia Marion OppenheimerX Hyb

Neoregelia Osirus

Neoregelia Pepper 1 lightform

Neoregelia Pheasant select

Neoregelia Satsumi select form

Neoregelia Tiger cub

 Above Turmoil, 
Left Neoregelia Wee Willy

Above Neoregelia Whim
Left Neoregelia Wild tiger